Sunday, September 28, 2008

Nice to be back to hear about Pessi

Just got in from Washington, DC. I felt like I have been isolated from the rest of the world since Friday. I would like  to thank Vince for alerting me by text that that the Finnish Finsher has scored his first NHL goal. So what is all the talk about this PR move with Janne traveling to Finland? Come on,  that makes perfect  sense or has there been some talk about Janne starting the season in WB? I would imagine with the extra goalie hanging around only tells me that John Curry has made it a little difficult for Sabourin to lay claim he will be the Pens backup to Fleury. Guess I will have todo  some reading to get caught here to see what needs to be done if there are any doubts about Janne not sticking with the Pens.  If any of our Finnish following planning on attending the game this week Vince and I are would love some feedback from you guys and /or girls on the performance of our  favorite Finnish hockey player. 

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